Privacy Policy
The privacy of individuals connected with our business, including our clients, contractors, employees, independent operators and website visitors has always been and continues to be of the utmost importance to Michael Lemmer Talent Inc (ML6). Guarding personal information in strict confidence is a cornerstone of our business. Regardless of how the range of services we offer our clients expands and the technology we use changes, we will always strive to protect the privacy of personal information subject to any consent an individual has provided for its use.
This policy is part of ML6’s commitment to ensure that all personal information of individuals in its possession is protected and used in accordance with the law. Privacy laws in Canada are constantly evolving, and therefore this policy is subject to change without notice. Personal information is any information about an identifiable person other than name, title, and business address and business telephone number of a person. It includes such things as a person’s home address, date of birth, social insurance number, and medical and financial information. With respect to candidates and clients, such information is collected primarily in connection with services provided by ML6. Employees may be asked to provide such information to ML6 in connection with matters relating to their employment.
In all cases, ML6 is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and the integrity of their personal information. ML6 will not collect, use or disclose the personal information of a person without the individuals knowledge and consent, except in certain limited circumstances permitted by law, such as where the immediate health of a person is at risk, or in connection with the breach of an agreement or a law.
Last Updated: February 18, 2020